Ask Amy: Why won’t my husband take pictures of me on vacation unless I ask him?

FILE - While today's reader isn't a fan of selfies, she does wonder why her husband doesn't take more photos of her when they travel. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

Dear Amy: My husband and I have been married for 12 years. We have done a lot of traveling and other fun things together. He is a kind and good person, but there is one thing that is a recurring problem for me.

He frequently “forgets” to take photos of me.

I take numerous photos of him, which he seems to enjoy, but he will not take a photo of me unless prompted to do so.

We have photos of our travels and exploits, but there is very little evidence that I was also there!

We have talked about this, and he says that he no longer likes to take photos because photos are too prevalent on social media.

I agree that many people share way too much, and I personally don’t care for the whole selfie obsession.

But the fact that he will not reciprocate in taking photos really bothers me.

Am I being unreasonable or insecure?

– Photophobic

Dear Photophobic: Your husband does reciprocate taking photos of you, but he needs to be prompted to do so. So – prompt him.

You are simply more oriented toward this sort of chronicling than he is, perhaps because you participate in social media, and he doesn’t.

Also – ask others to take photos of you two together.

Dear Amy: “Scared Gran” wondered if she should tell her son-in-law that her daughter was cheating on him.

She might find a way to talk with him without spilling everything. “I’m concerned about all the overtime Sally’s working,” could do the trick.

Years ago, my dad’s brother told my mom to “get a good lawyer.”

It was his way of telling her he knew things he couldn’t say as a brother, but that his heart was with his sister-in-law. It meant a lot to her.

– A Friend in Omaha

Dear Friend: Fantastic advice. Thank you.

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