Survey: Would voters support extending part of the sale tax to pay for a new jail?

the inside of the cuyahoga county jail

Signs in the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland directed visitors to the Cuyahoga County jail during a June 2022 tour. (David Petkiewicz Petkiewicz,

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cuyahoga County Executive-Elect Chris Ronayne has said he would leave it to the public to decide whether to extend the quarter-percent sales tax to pay for a new jail, but a new poll commissioned by and The Plain Dealer indicates it could be a hard sell, depending on who shows up to vote.

Overall, respondents were relatively split. About 44% of people said they “strongly oppose” or “somewhat oppose” extending the sales tax to pay for the jail, while 42% of the respondents said they generally support it. Those remaining were “not sure.”

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